New AgileFlow Big Update: Enhancements Tailored to Your Needs

Β· 325 words Β· 2 minute read

AgileFlow, your go-to service for Planning poker, online retrospective boards, and technical interview coding platforms, has just rolled out a significant update that brings several new features designed to enhance your remote collaboration experience. What’s more, it’s all available for free. Here’s a breakdown of what’s new:

1. Sound Effects with Mute/Unmute Option πŸ”—

We understand that sound effects can add a touch of fun and engagement to your Planning poker sessions. Now, AgileFlow comes with sound effects that can be toggled on and off, providing an immersive experience without any unnecessary distractions.

AgileFlow Mute/Unmute Option for planning poker sounds

Whether you’re in the mood for some lively auditory feedback or prefer a quieter environment, this feature is there to cater to your preferences.

2. Admin Permissions in Room Control as a Toggle Feature πŸ”—

Controlling room permissions just got easier. The new update introduces a toggle feature that allows you to enable or disable admin permissions during room creation or in room settings. By default, this feature is disabled, providing a more streamlined and user-friendly experience.

Enable/Disable room restrictions

This enhancement grants greater control over your room settings, aligning perfectly with AgileFlow’s mission to provide a seamless and free collaboration tool.

Integration with your existing tools is vital for efficiency, and AgileFlow understands this. With the latest update, stories imported from Jira with the Chrome extension now contain the Jira link under the title.

Jira links for imported stories

This feature ensures that all necessary information is readily available, saving you valuable time and keeping your Planning poker sessions and other collaboration activities on track.

Conclusion πŸ”—

AgileFlow is committed to continuous improvement, driven by feedback from our valued users. These latest features are live now, enhancing your team’s remote collaboration experience and making AgileFlow a more robust, user-friendly, and free tool for all your Planning poker and collaboration needs.

Explore these features today on and let us know your thoughts. We’re always here to listen and evolve according to your needs.