Single solution with online tools for your team

Planning poker | Retrospective boards | Technical interview

AgileFlow free online Scrum planning for planning

Planning poker

Solution for planning agile projects.

Track your team velocity and story point understanding

Export your planning results in .csv and .pdf formats

Create a recurring planning session in calendar

Use Google Chrome extension for JIRA integration

Planning poker is an agile tool that helps teams estimate the time needed to complete a task. It's also called scrum poker, and it's an excellent way for teams to work together efficiently online.

With our service, you can quickly and easily estimate stories with your team. This way, you'll have a better idea of what you can accomplish in each sprint, and you'll be able to plan your work more effectively.

The room size for registered users is unlimited and free!


Review with your team the sprint results

All your past retrospectives, organized in an easy-to-use dashboard.

Create unlimited boards using our 5 pre-defined templates

Simple drag and drop functionality with your cards

Export your boards in .csv and .pdf formats

Live chat with your team right in the room

AgileFlow free online Scrum planning for planning

A sprint retrospective is an opportunity for scrum teams to reflect on their past performance and identify areas in which they can improve. The team creates a plan for how they will work better together in the next sprint and then puts that plan into action.

By conducting regular retrospectives, scrum teams can ensure that they are constantly improving their process and becoming more efficient.

AgileFlow free online interview platform

Interview platform

Conduct technical interviews with live coding

Live editor with 142 supported coding languages

Private notes for meeting hosts

Private live chat between interviewers

Different permissions for attendees

Stop using notes or paper during technical interviews. Instead, conduct your technical interview on our platform, where candidates can write the code, and interviewers will see it immediately.

The interviewer should take the opportunity to discuss how the interview is going and make some private notes for their feedback. This will help ensure that the interviewer has all of the information they need to provide a complete evaluation.

AgileFlow provides secure agile services

AgileFlow is secure and respect your data

Even public rooms available only by strong direct link

You can delete your data any time

Hosted on Firebase that is part of Google Cloud Platform.

More details available on our security page

Select Your Perfect Plan

Always free

$ 0 /mo

Planning & Retrospective rooms Unlimited users in a room One room organizerCustomizable round timerPredefined pointing scalesPredefined retrospective boards
Premium is also free

$ 0 /mo

Unlimited history of your sessionsMultiple room organizersCreate own team & regular eventsLive chat with your teammatesExport reports to csv/pdfAll the features of the Basic plan
But you still canBuy me a coffee=)

Prices are per game organizer, the individual creating and leading estimating sessions.

Regardless of plan level, users can participate for free without creating an account.

Do you need more information about services and plans?

Contact us

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