Notion Templates Crafted & Used By Me
These templates are not just another product; they are tools that I use daily to organize my life and work. Experience the templates that have enhanced my productivity, and can do the same for you.
Notion Second Brain for Everyone
Are you struggling to keep your life organized? Look no further! This is the template that I use every day to streamline my life and work. It offers an all-in-one dashboard, innovative note-taking system, simple task management, and so much more.
- All-In-One Dashboard for Maximum Efficiency
- Quick and Easy Inbox for notes and tasks
- Innovative Note-Taking System (includes Smart Note-Taking template)
- Meeting notes calendar for easy search
- Task Management with projects and archive
- 1-3-5 task prioritization system
- Tasks calendar and week overview
- Achieve Your Goals with the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Tracker
- Content Planner for Creators
- Preconfigured Templates for a Seamless Experience
- Web Clipper Integration
- Mobile friendly

- 6 advanced templates
- 5 databases
- Guide for each template
Smart Note-Taking for Busy Lives
Hey, I get it—you're juggling work, meetings, and life itself. I crafted this Notion template to be the all-in-one note-taking solution. With features like a quick and easy inbox, PARA structure, and a powerful database, this is the template I personally use to keep track of my busy life.
- Quick and Easy Inbox for notes and meeting notes
- Meeting notes calendar for easy search
- PARA (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archive) Structure with a Personal Twist
- The One and Only Database You Need
- Effortless Drag-n-Drop to organize your notes
- Perfectly Tailored for Remote Work
- Web Clipper Integration
- View all notes with links for quick searching
- Mobile friendly

- 1 advanced template
- 1 database
- Detailed note-taking tutorial
I'm a Notion template creator, and all my Notion templates are reviewed and published on the official Notion template gallery.